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Reference Software Reviews

Microsoft Bookshelf 98

For Ages 10 to adult

See also the Summary Rating Table for comparisons with other Reference software titles, and the SuperKids Buyers Guide for current market prices of the PC and Mac versions of this title.

Reviewed on:
Microsoft Bookshelf Screen Shot PowerMac 6400/200 with 32MB and 8XCD
Pentium166 with 16MB and 12XCD

According to the package, Microsoft Bookshelf 98 provides "fast easy access to all the resources you need..." That's a pretty tall claim, but one that we found to be close to the truth.

In a single CD, Microsoft has bundled ten commonly needed reference tools, and integrated them with a single search engine. Access while using other programs is also possible. The advantage of such an approach is obvious -- no more hunting down multiple CDs, or thumbing through volume after volume of books from the library. The question our reviewers had, was "Are the reference sources good?"

Best for... / Bottom-Line
Bookshelf 98 is an impressive all-purpose reference set. We would recommend it for any student who has the need for more than a couple of the reference books included in this title. Most of the elements of Bookshelf are commonly needed by students, or writers of any age. Having them all on one searchable CD is handy, economical, and useful.

For a student, we would suggest supplementing this program with a good book of quotations like Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, a full-featured CD Encyclopedia and a book on writing style. (Either Strunk & White's Elements of Style or The Chicago Manual of Style).

Breadth = 5/5, Depth = 4.5/5, Ease of Use = 4.5/5

See also the Summary Rating Table for comparisons with other Reference software titles, and the SuperKids Buyers Guide for current market prices of the PC and Mac versions of this title.

Children's Software System Requirements


Operating System Win95; Windows NT Workstation 4.0 System 7.1 or later
CPU Type and Speed 486SX/33 or faster 68030/25 or faster
Hard Drive Space 10 MB 0 to 8 MB
Memory (RAM) 8 MB Win95; 12 MB NT 8 MB (5 MB free)
Graphics SVGA, 256 color 640 x 480, 256-color
CD-ROM Speed 2X 2X
Audio sound board and speakers
Other Needs [optional] modem for Internet links [optional] modem for Internet links

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